The dream of a bigger bust is common among many women. Many of us have heard about herbs and natural supplements that can supposedly help you increase your breasts without having to have plastic surgery. Before we go any further, let's establish a few facts.

Introduction to the magical world of herbs

Herbs have been used for centuries in traditional healing practices around the world. They are valued for their potential medicinal properties that can affect various aspects of human health. The discovery of their possible effect on breast augmentation is one of the aspects that is causing growing interest.

How do herbs work on your chest?

The effect of many herbs on breast augmentation is based on the presence of phytoestrogens-natural plant substances that mimic the effect of human estrogens in the body. These chemical compounds can theoretically affect breast tissue, stimulating its growth. However, while some herbs and their extracts may contain these phytoestrogens, there are no clear scientific studies supporting their effectiveness in breast augmentation.

Phytoestrogens in herbs

Phytoestrogens are a group of chemical compounds found naturally in some plants that structurally and functionally resemble human estrogens. They are found in many herbs and food plants, such as soy or flaxseed. Their potential effects on the human body make them the subject of numerous studies, especially in the context of their effects on hormones and breast tissue in women.

The most popular herbs for breast augmentation

Although many herbs are sometimes advertised as breast augmentants, only a few are widely recognized and appreciated in this context. Among the most popular of them: fenugreek (clover), hops or St. John's wort. However, it is worth noting that, despite the many anecdotal evidence for their effectiveness, scientific confirmation of this property for most of these herbs is still the subject of research.

What herbs to drink for breast augmentation?

Herbs often mentioned in the context of breast augmentation include

  • Fenugreek Seeds
  • Turmeric
  • Sabalov Palm Tree
  • Chinese Angel
  • Wild fennel
  • Maca Root
  • Chernushka
  • Red Clover
  • Kwao Krua
  • Wild sweet potatoes.

Fenugreek seed (fenugreek)

It is assumed that fenugreek works due to the content of phytoestrogens, which are natural plant substances similar to human estrogens that can stimulate the development of breast tissue. Some laboratory studies show that phytoestrogens can affect the development of breast tissue, but there is no conclusive evidence of their effectiveness in humans.

Turmeric-Breast and body benefits

Turmeric, also known as long oyster, is a bright yellow root often used in Indian cuisine. But it's not just a spice – turmeric is prized for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Its main ingredient, curcumin, can also affect hormone balance, which could theoretically help natural breast augmentation. In addition, turmeric supports the overall condition of the skin, giving it a healthier appearance.

Sabalov Palm Tree (Serenoa repens)

Palm, an American herb, is sometimes used in dietary supplements advertised as a way to increase breasts. However, research on this subject is limited, and the evidence for the effectiveness of this herb in this regard is weak at best.

Chinese Angel (Dong Quai; Angelica sinensis)

Dong Quai is a plant that is often used in Chinese medicine. It is believed that it helps increase the amount of estrogen in the body, which can affect the development of breast tissue. As expected, there is no proof.

Wild fennel

Wild dill, not to be confused with Garden dill, is a plant with strong estrogenic properties. Fennel is a popular herb that also contains the mentioned phytoestrogens. In traditional medicine, it was often used to treat various female ailments, including those related to menstruation and menopause. Although some people believe that this may affect breast growth and firmness, there is no scientific evidence to support this view.

Maca root and its effect on femininity

Maca root, native to Peru, is an adaptogen that is known to improve libido and hormone balance in both men and women. Due to its ability to modulate hormone levels, maca can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, libido, and, as some sources suggest, breast volume and firmness.

Negress-not only for breast augmentation

Blackberries, often used in Middle Eastern cuisine, are prized not only for their unique flavor, but also for their many health benefits. While there is no conclusive evidence that black cumin can promote breast enlargement, its overall health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and immune system-supporting properties, make it a valuable addition to any woman's diet.

Red Clover

This herb is known for its high content of isoflavones, which are a type of phytoestrogens. Laboratory studies have shown that isoflavones can affect estrogens in the body, but their role in breast enlargement is not scientifically confirmed.

Kwao Krua

Kwao Krua is an herb native to Thailand and is widely touted as a natural way to increase breasts. Contains phytoestrogens.

Wild sweet potatoes

Wild sweet potatoes are plants that contain diosgenin, which is a precursor to hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. For this reason, it is believed that it can affect the growth of breast tissue. However, there are no studies to support these claims.

How to use herbs in daily care?

Using herbs in daily care is not only a natural but also an effective way to bring out the best qualities of our skin. Modern cosmetology is increasingly relying on the traditions and experience of our ancestors, integrating herbal ingredients into modern products. But in practice, how can you incorporate herbs into your grooming routine to maximize their potential?

Homemade masks and herbal oils

Creating your own masks and oils from herbs not only satisfies, but also allows you to adapt the ingredients to the individual needs of your skin. For example, you can combine powdered fenugreek with coconut oil to create a hydrating and nourishing breast massage oil. Other herbs, such as lavender or chamomile, can be used in masks for their soothing and regenerating properties.

Breast Augmentation Tea: which herbs to choose?

Drinking a tea made from selected herbs can be a natural way to stimulate breast tissue. Popular herbs such as fenugreek, wild fennel, or maca root can be combined into tea blends that support hormone balance. It's important to remember that regular consumption is key, and it's also worth consulting your doctor or herbalist before introducing any supplements to your diet.

When can I expect the first results?

Using herbs in care and supplements requires patience. The effects may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the regularity of the use of plant products. In many cases, the first effects may be noticeable after several weeks of regular use, although it may take longer to get the full benefits. The key is to be consistent and listen for signals sent by your own body.

Beneficial and negative effects of phytoestrogens on the body

All phytoestrogens selected in the review by Canivenc-Lavier and Bennetau-Pelisser show estrogenic activity when properly consumed with food. As such, they showed beneficial effects in cases of estrogen deficiency, but also potential harmful effects when estrogens were at normal levels.


Some of the compounds described in this review are considered toxic compounds, such as coumestrol or zearalenol and zearalenone. 8-prenylnaryngenin, the most estrogenic natural compound ever recorded, is considered a pharmaceutical substance with a clear limit of use. This restriction is associated with a potential exacerbation of estrogen-dependent diseases. Therefore, 8-preninaryngenin can be used under the supervision of a doctor, but it must be monitored in everyday life. Fortunately, with the exception of food additives, its concentration in food products (i.e. beer) remains low and should not cause an estrogenic effect. The only risk may be for those who drink a lot of beer, especially those who consume intoxicated beer.

Isoflavones and enterolinnans

Isoflavones and enterolinnans have a less pronounced status. While enterolinnans cannot be found in the regular diet and are produced by the intestinal flora, oestrogen isoflavones are present in modern diets, as opposed to traditional eating and nutrition habits. Enterolinnans can reach active concentrations in body fluids and exhibit small estrogenic effects, mostly beneficial. Isoflavones, which exhibit indirect estrogenic activity, currently reach active concentrations in tissues and body fluids.

What are the effects of isoflavones and enterolignans?

After deciphering their beneficial and undesirable effects, it appears that the most likely effects are estrogenic and antithyroid effects in humans. The beneficial effect on metabolic syndrome and diabetes is still controversial and is sometimes based on unrealistic mechanisms that take into account physiological concentrations in the blood. Beneficial effects on bone preservation and menopausal symptoms are most likely when sufficient doses are involved for consumption. Meanwhile, the adverse reproductive effects that have been repeatedly demonstrated in animals can also occur in humans above a certain threshold.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Although many herbs are considered natural and safe, they can cause side effects in some people or interact with medications. Before we decide to include herbs in our diet or skin care routine, it's worth learning about potential side effects and contraindications to protect yourself.

When should I avoid using herbs for breast augmentation?

Some herbs, especially those that affect hormones, may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant women, breast-feeding women, as well as people with diagnosed hormonal diseases (for example, endometriosis, hormone-dependent tumors) should avoid using herbs that can affect the hormonal balance. Also, if someone is taking hormonal medications, such as birth control pills, it's worth consulting your doctor before including herbs in your diet.

What are the potential side effects?

Side effects of using herbs may vary depending on the herb used and the dose. Among the most common side effects of herbs that affect hormones can be changes in the menstrual cycle, breast soreness, increased breast sensitivity, and mood changes. In rarer cases, you may experience allergic reactions, digestive problems, or headaches. It is important to monitor your body's reactions and consult your doctor or herbalist if necessary.

Phytoestrogens and the physiological state of the body

Estrogens and phytoestrogens have both beneficial and side effects, depending on the physiological state of the users. They should be used with caution. Therefore, to take advantage of the benefits of phytoestrogens, it would be better to consider their consumption in the form of dietary supplements or medications and limit their consumption in regular diets, as it was in the old days.

Some studies suggest that phytoestrogens can affect the balance of hormones in the body, which may be associated with some health benefits, but there is no conclusive evidence that they affect breast size. Some people may notice minimal changes in their breasts after eating more foods containing phytoestrogens, but this is more likely due to other factors, such as weight changes.

It is important to emphasize that the effect of phytoestrogens on the body can be very individual, and their effect can vary from person to person.

Research and facts about the effects of herbs on breast augmentation

The only scientifically proven way to enlarge your breasts is to have plastic surgery. No plant species known to science can boast of convincing evidence for its bust-enhancing properties.

There are herbs that contain phytoestrogens that can theoretically affect breast tissue, but there is no concrete, convincing scientific evidence for their effectiveness in breast augmentation in humans. Most of the information about the effects of these herbs comes from traditional traditional medicine practices and user memories, but there are no well-conducted clinical trials. Well-conducted, that is, independent, including a large group of subjects and blind people, respectively.

What are the most effective and proven methods of breast augmentation?

If you dream of a bigger bust and are dissatisfied with your body, it is useful to know that there are also 3 methods of increasing the bust that have proven to be effective:

  1. Breast implants
    This is one of the most popular methods of breast augmentation, which gives long-lasting results. However, this is an invasive surgical procedure that requires consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon.
  2. Autologous fat transplantation
    Another way to get bigger breasts is to transfer your own fat from other parts of the body to the breast. This is a less invasive method than breast implants, but it also requires the qualification and experience of a surgeon.
  3. Push-up bras and liners
    If you're looking for a temporary method of optical breast augmentation, push-up bras and pads can help you emphasize the shape of your breasts.

Do herbs work for breast augmentation? Feedback

In conclusion, the likelihood that herbs will significantly affect the size of our breasts, to put it mildly, is small. Breast size depends on many factors, including genetics, hormones, body fat levels, and hormonal changes that occur in the body during different periods of life, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. We can safely avoid investing in herbal supplements that are advertised as a remedy for poor breast size. We won't lose anything.


Canivenc-Lavier, M.-C.; Bennetau-Pelissero, C. Phytoestrogens and Health Effects. Nutrients 2023, 15, 317.