With the rise of social media, this part of the internet has flourished, where people who know something about a subject are willing to share their advice with people who know less.

This is how peculiar dogmas are formed, in our case – dogmas of weight loss. And one of them is the one about water, which drinking is expected to be a key factor in the weight loss process.

In the article, we answer "Does drinking water affect weight loss and how?„.

To make everything clear, you need to drink water. 60% of our body weight is water, from which we can conclude that we need enough of it. In 2014, more than 80% of Poles drank too little water. We still feel the consequences today.

Drinking water makes you lose weight?

Yes, although this is an indirect action. Water helps in the process of losing weight. The effects of H2O are several: it reduces the appetite before eating, helps burn calories, and, most importantly, can replace sweetened drinks that are high in calories.

Research on the effects of drinking water on weight loss

What do studies say about the positive effects of water on weight loss? The facts are that once, studies on this topic are of average quality, twice, a review of these studies from 2019 concluded that changes in water intake in overweight and obese adults and adolescents applied in the studies led to 5.15% weight reduction%.

These changes include increasing your daily water intake, replacing high-calorie drinks with water, and drinking water before meals. The best results were obtained by replacing sugary drinks with high-calorie water.

Why does drinking water help you lose weight?

Water performs many key functions in the body that can affect weight loss, including improving digestion, increasing satiety, and supporting metabolic processes.

Drinking water helps to reduce the number of calories consumed. Replacing sweetened beverages with water seems obvious. A can of Cola contains about 140 calories, which is quite a big load for the diet. Water can also make it easier to control your appetite-we often confuse feeling thirsty with feeling hungry. Water is also essential during physical activity, helping to maintain adequate hydration, which affects our performance and more efficient calorie burning.

Exchange high-calorie drinks for water

Replacing sweetened beverages with water seems obvious. For example, cola has about 140 calories, and no, it's not small. When we begin to understand how many calories are in individual foods, we notice that instead of this can of cola, we can eat 200 grams of natural yogurt.

Water and appetite control

Water can make it easier to control your appetite-we often confuse feeling thirsty with feeling hungry, which leads to us eating more than we need. By drinking a glass of water before a meal, you can reduce the amount of food you eat and feel hungry.

Water during physical activity

Water is essential during physical activity. Regular water intake during exercise helps maintain adequate hydration, which affects our performance and allows us to burn calories more efficiently.

How much water should I drink per day?

It is recommended to consume at least 10 glasses of water (2.5 liters) per day for adult men and at least 8 glasses of water (2 liters) per day for adult women. However, it's worth noting that various factors, such as your level of physical activity, climate, or individual body needs, can affect the amount of water you should consume each day.

What are the symptoms of water deficiency in the body?

Malaise, fatigue, headaches - these are just some of the symptoms of a lack of water in the human body, which we can provide because of too little supply of H2O. none of them is desirable at the moment when we are trying to stick to our plan and lose a few pounds.

How much weight can you lose with drinking water?

Drinking water alone won't cause dramatic weight loss, but it can speed up the process when combined with proper diet and physical activity. Water helps flush out toxins from the body, replaces high-calorie beverages, and can increase feelings of fullness.

When to drink water for the best results in the process of losing weight?

Drinking water before meals can help you feel fuller and eat less. So research shows. In addition, regular hydration throughout the day helps the body function properly.

Does drinking water really reduce your belly?

No, because water itself doesn't "burn" abdominal fat, but it can help reduce bloating and improve digestion. Maintaining hydration can also support the overall weight loss process.

What to drink to lose belly fat?

To lose weight from the belly in addition to water, it is useful to consume green teas and mint teas. Many people also avoid carbonated beverages and those with high amounts of sugar, which can contribute to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. We wrote a separate text how to lose weight on your stomach, on the other hand, you should know that the whole body is losing weight, and we have an indirect influence on this, which part of the body will shrink the most.

Water diet: what is it and what effects does it have?

The water diet includes increasing water intake to aid in detoxification and improve digestion. While increasing your water intake is beneficial, a balanced diet and physical activity are also key.


It is important to understand that drinking water is not a magical solution for weight loss. This is just one of the components of a healthy lifestyle and the process of losing weight. Regular consumption of sufficient water should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle that strives to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.


It is important to understand that drinking water is not a magical solution for weight loss. This is just one of the components of a healthy lifestyle and the process of losing weight.

In conclusion, water can help control your appetite, replace high-calorie beverages, maintain hydration during exercise, and maintain overall health, but you should keep in mind that weight loss is a complex process that also requires a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and other good habits.

Regular consumption of sufficient water should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle that strives to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.


Castelo, Guillermo Bracamontes, Montserrat Bacardí Gascón, and Arturo Jiménez Cruz. „Effect of water consumption on weight loss: a systematic review.” Nutr Hosp 36.6 (2019): 1424-1429.