After the age of 50, when the metabolism is no longer what it used to be, using a weight loss diet can be problematic for many people because the effects are not as fast as they were a few years ago. However, this doesn't mean that you can't lose those extra pounds after 50. All you have to do is stick to a balanced diet and include some age-appropriate physical activity in your weekly plan. Let's take a look at what healthy weight loss after 50 should look like.

Why is it harder to lose weight after 50?

Losing weight after 50 is more difficult mainly due to hormonal changes (in women, closely related to menopause) and other changes in the body associated with aging.

After 50 years, the process of losing weight may be hindered by factors such as:

  • the metabolism slows down, which can lead to the fact that fat begins to settle in the tissues in greater quantities;
  • gradual change in body composition: with age, the ratio of muscle mass to fat mass changes. The amount of fat decreases, and the amount of fat in the body increases, which, unfortunately, can lead to overweight and obesity;
  • the overall performance of the body decreases: physical activity after 50 years is very important, but with age it becomes more difficult to perform exercises. Older people often have bone and joint pain associated with the aging process. All this affects a lower dose of movement in everyday life, which contributes to fat deposition.;
  • the work of the digestive system slows down; changes also occur in the digestive system; the secretion of digestive enzymes decreases and intestinal motility slows down.

Diet for weight loss after 50-basic rules

The basic principles of weight loss after 50 years are described by the pyramid of healthy nutrition and physical activity for the elderly. A weight loss diet for the elderly should be based on the basic principles of a healthy diet. Of course, when making a menu, it is necessary to take into account not only the age, but also the state of human health. Older people are a group that is more likely to develop chronic diseases. Therefore, before starting a diet, you should seek the help of a nutritionist to determine which foods can be introduced into the diet and which ones should be avoided. For healthy people, the general principles of healthy eating and weight loss are as follows::

  • regular meals, preferably 3-4 hours apart;
  • raw vegetables and fruits should be a constant addition to your diet, especially green vegetables;
  • the daily menu should include whole grains and grain products, such as coarse grains, grain pasta;
  • as for dairy products, you should make a bet on fermented foods, such as kefir or buttermilk, preferably at least 2 cups per day.;
  • among protein products should be lean meat, eggs, fish and, if there are no contraindications, legume seeds.;
  • healthy fatty acids are recommended, especially vegetable oils such as olive oil, linseed oil, walnut oil, canola oil, sunflower oil;
  • the nutrition model of people over 50 also suggests limiting salt intake;
  • to reduce weight, of course, it is recommended to avoid sweets and highly processed foods;
  • adequate hydration (at least 1.5 liters of water every day) is very important.

Weight loss after 50 should also take into account the caloric content of the diet. A weight loss diet should be based on an individually calculated caloric deficit in order to have an effect. You should also keep in mind that the metabolic rate becomes slower in older people, and due to the loss of muscle mass associated with aging, the amount of fat mass often increases, because the body's ability to burn calories decreases. It is recommended that the amount of food should not be large, but it is worth using it more often. It should also be remembered that older people have an increasing need for vitamins and minerals, so the diet should be balanced and rich in nutrients.

Diet for the elderly: what is there?

Older adults who want to reduce their body fat should base their diet primarily on foods with high nutritional value. The diet should include others:

  • vegetables and fruits, for example: tomatoes rich in potassium, bananas and apricots, berries, high-fiber broccoli, green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage. The greatest nutritional value is provided by fresh products that are as little processed as possible;
  • whole grain products: cereals, pasta, bread. Such products are a source of fiber and valuable minerals, and also allow you to supplement the menu with added carbohydrates.;
  • oily sea fish: contains many valuable omega-3 fatty acids;
  • dairy products as a source of calcium;
  • protein: eggs, poultry, nuts and seeds, legumes.

Diet for weight loss after 50 years-what foods should be avoided

Older people who want to lose weight should avoid:

  • using a large amount of salt;
  • sweets:
  • processed foods, such as salty snacks, fast food items;
  • alcohol.

Healthy Weight Loss after 50-Physical Activity

Physical activity is very important at any age, including for people over 50, especially if they want to lose weight. Of course, when making a training plan for the elderly, it is necessary to take into account the aging process and the fact that the body is no longer as strong as when it was young. Before starting exercises, you should consult a doctor who will determine if there are any contraindications to intensive training and advise you on the best form of activity to choose. Many older adults also seek help from a personal trainer and nutritionist. Specialists will draw up a training and diet plan that takes into account the individual capabilities and predisposition of an elderly person. With the help of professionals, it is easier for older people to change their lifestyle and adapt nutrition and activity to individual needs and reduction goals.

Workout for weight loss after 50

A good workout for weight loss should be primarily regular, preferably 2-3 times a week. People who have not previously been active should start with light-intensity exercise, such as exercise.:

  • march;
  • cycling trips;
  • strolls;
  • swimming;
  • light exercises using your own body weight, such as running in place, squats, lunges, and push-ups on your knees;
  • stretching exercises.

Any physical activity will be a good support in the process of losing weight and can contribute to a faster reduction of extra pounds.

Smart weight loss after 50 years-Sample menu

Day 1:


  • Omelette of two eggs, spinach and tomatoes.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Grapefruit.

Second breakfast:

  • Natural yogurt with nuts and oatmeal.


  • Salad with fried chicken, salad mix, tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, avocado and yogurt sauce.

Afternoon snack:

  • Fruit, such as an apple.


  • Salad with broccoli, wholegrain pasta and tomatoes.

Day 2:


  • Smoothie with almond milk, banana, spinach and a tablespoon of peanut butter.

Second breakfast:

  • Fruit cup with avocado, natural yogurt, berries and chia seeds.


  • Quinoa with stewed vegetables (peppers, onions, zucchini, tomatoes) and fried chicken.

Afternoon snack:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese with slices of pears.


  • Two slices of wholemeal bread with cottage cheese and tomatoes.

Day 3:


  • Porridge on milk with the addition of berries, chia seeds and nuts.

Second breakfast:

  • Sandwich with lean ham, tomatoes and lettuce on whole-grain bread.


Cream soup with white vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • Natural yogurt with the addition of oatmeal and fruit slices.


Salad with feta cheese, avocado and tomatoes, enriched with a dressing based on butter and lemon juice.

It is important to adapt the amount of calories consumed to your individual needs and level of physical activity. The above menu is just a suggestion, and the nutritional value may vary depending on the specific needs of each individual.

Healthy Weight Loss after 50 and Supplements-Effective Weight Loss Supplements

After 50 years, the need for certain vitamins and minerals increases. Therefore, you should make a bet on a supplement of vitamin D, vitamin A or folic acid. The process of losing weight requires reducing the caloric content of food, which often makes it difficult to get the right amount of nutrients in the food itself. Effective Weight Loss Supplements they will not only help to nourish the body, but also help the process of losing weight, contributing to more efficient fat burning.

Healthy weight loss after 50 is as possible as possible, you just need to adhere to the established rules and combine a healthy, balanced diet with moderate physical activity, adapted to individual capabilities and age. This should be remembered, because many people forget about health, focusing only on the process of losing weight, which leads to restrictive diets and loads on the body. Taking care of your own body is very important for older people who want to stay in good shape, but building a figure should never be more important than maintaining health, so the diet should be approached thoughtfully, and if necessary, seek help from professionals.